Thursday, October 22, 2009

Vietnam and Beyond

So we have been extremely slack on our blog and apologise very much for that.

We have just arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal after 10 days in Tibet. China bans Facebook and Blogs so we do have an excuse!

As you probably know we spent nearly 3 months travelling (partly by bicycle) in Vietnam, we hope to make a blog entry about this in the future but would like to concentrate on the more recent China and Tibet for now.

Nick and Jo who we were travelling with were much better at keeping their blog updated to be found at:
We have updated our photos on the right hand side and are working on a China and Tibet entry as we speak.

We will endeavour to be more up-to-date from now on - so please stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I just tried to make a comment and it didn't register ;( Anyway you've got some pretty cool crash helmets there! I'm looking forward to a bit of riding myself next month, perhaps around some temples but hopefully taking in some of that cool green scenery you're enjoying there! I know Lorraine will be keen after our Melbourne CBD right recently.
