Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Made it...finally

Hey everyone!

And especially those who are sick to death of saying goodbye to us, we have finally gone!

Arrived in KK with only a couple of minor hitches, namely Malaysian Airlines not letting us on the plane until we booked a flight out of Malaysia! Thanks Jamie, Mikey and Lorraine for waiting for us to bumble about (chances are you had a couple of beers after we left, which I hope you did).

Found our hotel in KK with no dramas it was MR75 (about $30) so fancier than we will be staying going forward but a nice way to start - it even has free wi-fi!

Have a fabulous construction site across the road and we have seen many demonstrations of how to get large construction beams into the ground very loudly - handy to know.

So far we have been eating and sleeping and eating and eating some more, the food here is outstanding and for Ben his dream has come true - he gets to eat noodles for breakfast everyday.

Went to some islands yesterday 20min off the coast of KK - Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park there is good snorkeling right off the beach where we saw many Nemos. Ben dropped his snorkel off the jetty as we were about to head back to the mainland, and had to dive down pretty deep and pick it out of the big spiky sea urchins and then cut his foot on the jetty getting out to thunderous applause.

Ate at the night markets last night at the Filipino BBQ section, mmnnn

Have thought very briefly about climbing Mt Kinabalu but at this stage don't feel the need to conquer the largest mountain between the Himalayas and Papua New Guinea - maybe next time.

Heading to Sandakan tomorrow to check out the Orangutans.

Hope everyone is well!

PS - if you look on the right hand panel there is a link to our photos where you will find all of our photos.


  1. Maybe Ben and Nick would be suited to travel together as they both like to drop snorkle masks into the ocean!! Can't wait to hear more adventures!! Jo xxx

  2. I heard from Lorraine that you are traveling again. I hope you have great time, will definitely follow your blog!!!

  3. Oh yeh I don't mind some Noodles for breaky. Does Ben insist on having a raw egg added on top to add a bit of Western goodness to it? ;p
